
Die Konferenz Der Tiere Film 1969

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Die Konferenz der Tiere is a 1969 German animated comedy-drama flick with directed past Curt Linda from 1969 based on the volume The Animal Briefing by Erich Kästner. It was released in German cinemas on Dec 13th and is the first German full-length cartoon in color.


In the opening sequence, children free a group of animals from a burning circus and allow them return to their countries of origin. From then on, the animals regard the children as their friends. When the king of beasts reads in the paper that the 365th Human Peace Conference has come to an terminate without solutions to human-made problems such as war, famine and environmental degradation, he consults with the other animals, and Together they decide to convene a briefing of animals in order to finally motility people to a worldwide peace agreement for the sake of their children. All animals on world are notified and send delegates to the conference. Five man children, 1 from each continent, are brought forth as guests of honor.

At the same time, the 366th People'due south Peace Briefing begins. The disagreements brainstorm with the question of the shape of the conference tabular array. The animals, which gave the briefing the motto "It's virtually the children", ask people to ensure that there is never again state of war and hardship. They declare that the bureaucracy stands in the way of consensus building and that they will clear the way for people. To exercise this, they transport hordes of mice and rats into the people'southward conference building to destroy their files. The people, however, have copies and transcripts brought in and go on the conference unimpressed. The animals so need the removal of the primary obstruction to peace, namely state borders. This is an unacceptable intervention for humans and they declare war on animals.

Machines with grapple arms collect people all over the world to set them for the armed services. They are all compressed into a standardized format by another automobile, then uniformed and armed. Images of peace are extracted from their heads and images of war are used instead. They are trained and drilled in rapid transit and then march against the animals.

The animals advise what to do. The skeleton of a dinosaur, which is as well attending the conference, is in favor of a counterattack, because in its time people acted quickly instead of talking a lot. The other animals condemn his opinion equally erstwhile-fashioned and indicate out that this is probably why the dinosaurs became extinct. But when General Zornmüller, the spokesman for the human conference, delivered an ultimatum to the animals in which he demanded the dissolution of the animal assembly and otherwise threatened with forcible eviction, the animals did not reply. Instead, they come up to the conclusion that basically the bug of flesh stem from the military and therefore ship swarms of moths to destroy all uniforms, then that all troops and many of the conference participants stand up in that location naked. As a event, chaos breaks out in the military machine because no one tin recognize the other's rank. However, people are quick to procure new uniforms and declare that cannons and rifles cannot be eaten by any brute. They raise their troops again.

The animals are about to give up, but and so come up with the saving thought: They collect the children in every state and hide them. In doing so, they invoke their right to withdraw custody of unsuitable parents until they are upwards to their responsibility for their children, and repeat their demands. The people now go to war against the animals nether the leadership of General Zornmüller. In a speech communication the general explains that this serves peace, since it can merely exist maintained with the assistance of soldiers, and since the children are the soldiers of tomorrow, the attack to recapture the children is a necessary means of securing peace. This is the first time that heads of state have agreed on this.

Although humans are technically superior to animals, animals prevail through cohesion and cunning and win. At the aforementioned time there is a popular uprising among parents who want their children dorsum. The heads of state at present concord to negotiations and invite a delegation of the animals to their home. When the full general asked where the children were, the simply answer he got was that they were fine. You then see the children who are cared for by animals and, every bit they autumn asleep, wish that the argument would final a long time, they like it so much with the animals. All the same, after some hesitation, the people's heads of state finally sign a treaty that abolishes all state borders, abolishes the military machine, prohibits and establishes all weapons,

Relation to the original volume

Erich Kästner had already added the title "A book for children and connoisseurs" to the volume The Conference of Animals , which was marketed every bit a picture show book from the start and is now considered a classic children'due south volume, making it and then clear that it is also suitable for adults directs. Curt Linda took the aforementioned path with his film accommodation and stuck to the humor from Kästner's volume, which was tailored to children, but also adopted his political statement. There are too many satirical swipes at the military machine in the book . Linda attacked Kästner'south anti-militaristTendencies and strengthened them. For example, additional scenes emphasize General Zornmüller's hypocrisy by showing him at home, where he has a bed with cannons and a telephone in the form of a tank, but a pigeon of peace as a cuckoo clock. Afterward the moth plague, Zornmüller screamed and ordered a "total attack," which was an allusion to the sports palace speechcan exist understood. In that location are no such indications, which are aimed exclusively at an adult audience, in Kästner's book. The entire storyline of the state of war scenes was added especially for the moving picture. In the book, people do not go to war with the animals, but let themselves to be persuaded to conclude the peace treaty after the iii attacks by the animals (destruction of files, moth plague, kidnapping of children).

In the picture show, which was made twenty years after the book, the conference of people is not the 87th, as in the book, but the 366th peace conference.

Another difference is that the animals in the film are much less humanized . In the book, the animals sleep in beds, make phone calls and announced in suits for the conference. In the film, with the exception that they can speak and read, they behave largely like animals. They as well have no names, which means that the sex of the animals is left open in the moving picture. In the book template, all individually presented delegates, both humans and animals, are expressly male person. Females only appear as wives of the delegates at the beginning. In the film, some of the creature delegates are spoken to past actresses.

Equally with all film adaptations of his books during his lifetime, Erich Kästner was in contact with the director while working on this picture. Although Kästner usually fastened great importance to the faithful implementation of his works, in this example he gave his consent to the changes.

A big part of the dialogues has been taken nearly verbatim from the book. Some scenes in the film are as well based heavily on Walter Trier's book illustrations . One example is the depiction of whales lying with their mouths open up similar ships in a harbor to allow the brute delegations to board and to send them to the briefing venue. This image can be plant in the book and in the film in a very like class. Since it was used as the cover motion-picture show for many editions of the book, information technology has a high recognition value.


The lexicon of international films judged that the film was "imaginatively animated and musically well arranged" . However, he has "some lengths" .  The Evangelische Motion-picture show-Beobachter drew the post-obit decision: "Tastefully and imaginatively designed German cartoon, which stylistically differs significantly from Disney, simply unfortunately besides has a number of lengths and, specially in the 2nd part, loses tension and originality. Despite some superficial gags, the deeper meaning of the fable and its political allusions will remain incomprehensible to children. Recommended from 12. "

For the singer Marco Wanda , the film is 1 of the works that decisively shaped his life: "Looking back, I believe that the music in the film The Conference of Animals made me a musician. ... But the film made me a writer even more than a musician. To someone who builds worlds. I see myself more as a writer and less equally a musician ... "


Erich Kästner had already offered the book to Walt Disney for a film adaptation in 1949 - soon later its publication . This, however, it is with the words "No politics!" ( "No politics!" ) Have rejected.


part Voice role player
King of beasts Georg Thomalla
giraffe Ursula Traun
pig Horst Sachtleben
elephant Ernst Fritz Fürbringer
camel Paul Bürks
Marabou Anita Bucher
owl Rosemarie Fendel
mouse Bruni Löbel
Icebear Anton Reimer
kangaroo Erich Kleiber
parrot Maria Landrock
donkey Thomas Reiner
mole Kurt Zips
General Zornmuller Charles Regnier
teller Klaus Havenstein


See too

Animals United, a 2010 computer-animated film


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