
When Is The Best Time To Plant Mangoes

Today we'll show you how to plant a mango seed. Growing a mango from seed i of the easiest tropical fruit trees to constitute, and they'll yield succulent mango fruits year after year for y'all to enjoy! Before you lot begin planting, make sure you lot option a variety of mango that Y'all enjoy!

In that location are hundreds of dissimilar mango varieties, then make sure you taste unlike mangos and selection i you lot like! In one case you've called your mango, swallow it, and salve the seed!

So how to grow a mango from seed? It's actually quite like shooting fish in a barrel provided you follow the gardening guide below! Growing mango from seed will ensure that you get the multifariousness of mango you like, and that you lot're involved in the entire procedure, from start to stop.

Head to your local grocery store or an international shop to choose the multifariousness of mango y'all desire. Once yous've gotten your mango, simply save the seed.

How to Found a Mango Seed

how to grow mango from seed


The mango tree needs to be in a warm, tropical climate with enough of sun and warmth. A mango tree will successfully grow in USDA zones 10 through 13 OR in a warm or humid greenhouse. A mango tree tin can as well abound indoors provided is has enough warmth and sunday!

Germination Time:

Your mango tree should start germinating and producing seedlings within 4-6 weeks. Your seedling will exist well-nigh 100-200mm in elevation.

Germinating the Mango Seed

Choosing a Seed

The best manner to brand certain your mango seed will really abound is to grow it adjacent to an existing mango tree. This is chosen a parent tree and will ensure that your mango tree will grow big and salubrious. If y'all don't have another mango tree nearby, you tin can order your seeds online, or try to grow it straight from a store-bought mango (the seed), but you run the chance of it non growing depending on where it came from!

Checking the Seed

Cut the mango's flesh away to reveal the seed. A healthy mango seed will expect tan and fresh. If the seed looks greyness and/or shriveled up, yous tin can no longer use it. Make certain to wear gloves while removing the flesh, every bit the mango fruit can be quite slippery!

Preparing the Seed

growing mango from seed

There are two different ways you lot can prepare your seed: the drying method or the soaking method:

The Drying Method:

  1. Dry the seed with a paper towel and place information technology in a sunny and dry place for almost 3 weeks. After the 3 weeks take elapsed, try to break open the seed in half without actually breaking information technology in half. The halves just need to slightly split up. Once you've achieved that, leave information technology out for another week.
  2. In a container, place fertile soil. Dig a small hole about 8 inches deep, and plant your mango seed with the umbilicus of the seed face downwards. Then, push the seed in.
  3. Depending on the soil, water every day or every other 24-hour interval.
  4. Within 4-half dozen weeks, you lot should have a 100-200mm high seedling.
  5. Depending on the diversity you consumed or purchased, your tree might exist a deep purple, a vibrant dark-green, or almost black!
  6. One time your seedling has grown plenty where it has establish a strong, healthy root organisation, you may move information technology to a bigger pot or outdoors.

The Soaking Method:

  1. Break the outer skin of the seed simply a little bit with sandpaper OR make a minor cut into the mango seed.
  2. Place the seed in a jar with water and store in a warm place for 24 hours.
  3. Remove your seed from the jar and wrap it in damp paper towels. Identify the seed wrapped in paper towel in a plastic bag and cut one corner off the bag.
  4. Go along the towel moist by regularly watering and your mango seed should sprout inside 1-2 weeks. Keep the seed in a warm, moist place.

Planting the Mango Seed

  1. Start by preparing a pot for the seedling. Brand certain it is a mixture of potting soil and compost for best results. Also, make certain your pot is big plenty to accommodate what volition be a fairly large tree!
  2. Identify your pot in partial sun so that your seedling gets used to the sun. Once it'due south ready to be transplanted, information technology will need full sun!

Planting the Seedling

  1. You tin transplant your seedling once it has developed strong, healthy roots. The thickness at the base of the trunk should be about 5cm or 2.v inches.
  2. Place your seedling in a warm, sunny spot.
  3. Brand sure information technology has enough of room to grow, and that there are no other structures or trees too close to it – it will get big!
  4. If you wish, you tin can leave it in the pot, but make certain to transplant to a bigger pot when needed.
  5. If yous're planting directly into the ground, dig a pigsty that is iii times the size of the root's ball.
  6. Add one/three of expert quality potting mix, 1/3 garden sand, and the rest will be soil from the globe you just dug up!
  7. Place the seedling into the hole, pat it, and water well.
  8. Water your mango tree regularly, depending on the atmospheric condition and/or soil, and brand certain not to over-fertilize – twice a year should exist just enough!
  9. Your mango tree will get-go bearing fruit inside 4-5 years.

No other maintenance is required other than making sure your tree gets enough of sunlight, water, and fertilizer! So now that yous know how to plant a mango seed, it's time to roll up your sleeves and become to planting!

Happy Planting!

how to plant a mango seed


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