
How Many Characters In Word Document

In this post, i will show to you lot iii ways to count number of characters in Word documents. Information technology is easy and elementary. Word 2016 normally show the words  count at the  lesser left of status bar.

Probably a few of you will wonder about this due to the need for some piece of work. How to count how many words are in Word document that yous only edited? For example, every bit a collaborator, or every bit some of you piece of work at the request of a certain unit.
Well, if you are learning nigh this issue, this is the commodity for you. In this commodity I will instruct you 3 easiest ways to count how many characters in Word easily.
Moreover, with this tutorial you can likewise control how many pages, characters, number of lines … in the current Word file.

I. Check at condition bar.

Open up the text file you desire to check upward => click to select Words as shown below to turn on the dialog box to check elements and characters.
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Hither yous will see these elements such as:
Pages: Number of pages.
Words: Number of words.
Characters (no spaces): Number of characters without spaces.
Characters (with spaces): Number of characters with spaces.
Paragraphs: The number of small paragraphs in a paragraph.
Lines: Number of lines.
Count number of characters in Word documents 2
OK, now you tin know the number of pages, number of characters or number of letters, .. in the text hands.

If yous practice not see the word number at the bottom left of status bar. Please, right click on the status bar and select word count.

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II. Count number of characters in Word past word count option.

Open the Word file contains characters you lot want to count => select tab Review => then click on Discussion Count to open the Word Count dialog box.
Count number of characters in Word documents 3
The same dialog box as above of Discussion Count will appear. This way in general is non different from the first way, and it doesn't waste much more time than each other, so just practise information technology the manner you like.

III. Field options.

Step one: Showtime you lot likewise open the Word file => then place the cursor in any area of the text => select tab Insert => select Quick Parts, and click Field every bit shown beneath.
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Stride 2: In the Field dialog box, drag the slider downwards and select NumWords. Then select equally below:
Format: Choose i,ii,three …
Numeric Format: Cull an integer as 0.
=> Click OK to finish.

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Step 3: In the cursor area at this fourth dimension, Word has reported the number of words. To verify, attempt typing something in, and then correct-click and choose Update Field to review the results.
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So all changes have been applied. You can do the reverse by deleting the characters and choose Update Field over again to display the current words count.

So, I accept just showed you a lilliputian tip of how to easily count the number of words in a Word document. You can do this with any documents. Overall, this trick is very like shooting fish in a barrel to exercise and very simple every bit well. Hope information technology will exist useful for you.
Skilful luck!



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